Scholarships Available
Congratulations on your decision to start a career in law enforcement, it is an exciting and rewarding profession. Listed below are some scholarships directed at students pursuing careers in criminal justice. If you believe you may qualify for one of these scholarships and wish to apply, please visit the Polk State College Foundation scholarship application site to apply during the open application period, February 1 and February 28.
Sheriff Grady Judd Scholarship
$1200 per Academy for tuition.
- Graduated from a Polk County High School, be a US citizen and resident of Polk County.
- Seeking a degree in Criminal Justice Technology or other Criminal Justice discipline and seeking a career as a deputy sheriff, detention deputy or police officer.
- Must submit a written statement, of at least 500 words, to evidence seriousness of purpose and to demonstrate the importance of a college-educated law enforcement officer.
- Must have and maintain a 2.75 G.P.A. with specified course load and work requirements.
- Must demonstrate financial need.
* Apply between February 1-28 through the Polk State College Foundation. Recipients are notified of an award via their Polk State College student email.
Relgalf Charitable Foundation Scholarship (tuition and fees).
- Seeking four-year undergraduate matriculation at Polk State College towards a degree in the field of law enforcement.
- The scholarship pays for completion of the Kenneth C. Thompson Institute for Public Safety.
- Recipients must secure employment with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) immediately upon graduation or with another law enforcement office/department within the State of Florida (with a total force of 20 members or less).
- Recipients must maintain employment with the PCSO or another law enforcement office/department (as indicated above) for a minimum of three years.
- Recipients that fail to fulfill the employment requirements of this scholarship will be required to repay all scholarship funds on a pro-rated basis.
* Apply between February 1-28 through the Polk State College Foundation. Recipients are notified of an award via their Polk State College student email.
Sergeant Mary Campbell Scholarship
$800 towards Tuition and Fees
- Incoming or currently enrolled at Polk State College
- Maintain an enrollment of at least 6 semester hours of classes and maintain at least a 2.5 G.P.A. each semester.
- Be a resident of East Polk County
- Have a financial need.
- Complete an essay demonstrating knowledge of the contributions of Sergeant Mary Campbell to law enforcement, as well as the Community Oriented Policing Program.
* Apply between February 1-28 through the Polk State College Foundation. Recipients are notified of an award via their Polk State College student email.
Polk City Woman’s Club Scholarship
500 towards Tuition and Fees
- Incoming or currently enrolled at P.S.C.
- Maintain at least a 3.0 G.P.A. each semester.
- Be enrolled in the Criminal Justice Program.
- Be a resident of Polk City and a graduate of Auburndale High School. (If there are no Polk City residents, Auburndale High School graduates may apply.)
* Apply between February 1-28 through the Polk State College Foundation. Recipients are notified of an award via their Polk State College student email.
Johnnie Patterson, Jr. – Bradenton-Scholarship
$600 towards Tuition and Fees
- Incoming or currently enrolled at Polk State College
- Maintain an enrollment of at least 12 semester hours of classes and maintain at least a 2.5 G.P.A. each semester.
- Is a dependent and immediate family member of a Florida certified law enforcement officer, with first priority given to the dependent of a deceased officer, killed on or off duty, second priority given to the dependent of an incapacitated officer, injured on or off duty.
* Apply between February 1-28 through the Polk State College Foundation. Recipients are notified of an award via their Polk State College student email.
Johnnie Patterson, Jr. #1 Scholarship
$500 towards Tuition and Fees
- Incoming or currently enrolled at Polk State College
- Be enrolled in an A.S. Criminal Justice Program.
- Be at least 19 years of age.
- Agree to work in Polk County for at least 3 years.
* Apply between February 1-28 through the Polk State College Foundation. Recipients are notified of an award via their Polk State College student email.
Dustin Ramsey Criminal Justice Scholarship Application
$500.00 Scholarship
- 19 years old
- Currently accepted to a Law Enforcement Academy in good standing.
- A minimum of 1000 words, maximum 1500 words, typed, APA style, in essay format, describing career goals, achievements, community service, financial need and your personal statement on “Why I want to pursue a career in Law Enforcement.”
Varies with academy schedule